ผศ.ดร.จักรพันธ์ เทือกต๊ะ

ผศ.ดร.จักรพันธ์ เทือกต๊ะ

Asst.Prof.Dr.Chakrapan Tuakta


รหัสอาจารย์ | Staff ID :


อีเมล | Email :


เบอร์โทรศัพท์ภายใน | Int. Phone :

  • B.S. (Civil Engineering) Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA., 2547
  • M.Eng. (Civil Engineering) Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA., 2548
  • Ph.D. (Structures and Materials) Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA., 2554
  • FRP-Strengthening of RC Structures, Fracture Mechanics
  • Chandeng, L., T. Meesak, C. Tuakta, T. Jirawattanasomkul T. Ueda and O. Jongprateep. 2020. Effects of water content on compressive strength of eco-friendly light-weight cement blocks using cement-like material prepared from agricultural wastes. Chiang Mai Journal of Science. 47(4 Special Issue 2): 700-711 (Scopus)
  • Pianchaiyaphum, S., S. Kwonpongsagoon, P. Kanchanapiya and C. Tuakta. 2021. Recycling of non-metallic residue from waste printed circuit boards to produce interlocking concrete blocks. International Journal of Environmental Science and Development. 12(6): 169-174 (Scopus)
  • Chandeng, L., K. Saphongxay, G. Panomsuwan, C. Tuakta, P. Siwayaprahm and O. Jongprateep. 2022. Bio-waste-based lightweight cement blocks with antibacterial performance. Agriculture and Natural Resources. 56(1): 43-56 (Scopus)


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