B.Eng. (Civil Engineering) University of Western Australia, Australia, 2516
M.Eng. (Structural Engineering and Materials) Asian Institute of Technology, 2520
Ph.D. (Civil Engineering) University of New South Wales, Australia, 2528
สาขาวิชาที่เชี่ยวชาญ | Specialised Field
Structural Engineering
ผลงานวิชาการ | Publications
Sujjavanich S., P. Suwanvitaya, D. Chaysuwan and G. Heness. 2019. Damage evaluation of fiber-reinforced concrete exposed to elevated temperatures by nondestructive tests. Engineering and Applied Science Research. 46(1): 37-43 (Scopus)
Paewchompoo, N., W. Yodsudjai, P. Suwanvitaya, M. Iwanami, N. Boonyingsathit, W. Thaue and S. Kiattanabumrung. 2020. Corrosion-induced cracking time in recycled aggregate concrete (RAC). Engineering and Applied Science Research. 47(2): 145-152 (Scopus)
Yodsudjai, W., P. Vanrak, P. Suwanvitaya and A. Jutasiriwong 2021. Corrosion behavior of reinforcement in concrete with different compositions. Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials. 10(3): 129-148 (Scopus)